This post shows why you can jailbreak your iphone today and benefit from it... there are lot of functionality that you can use such as themes, tweaks, free premium iphone apps.
The meaning of jailbreaking is to use a software program which will unlock the access to the original system files on your iPhone, enabling you to modify some of these files for the better. A carrier unlock shouldn't be confused with jailbreaking. The real power of your Apple iPhone 5 will be unleashed when your phone has been jailbroken.
Once your iPhone 5 has been jailbroken it will be like owning a completely different device - software wise at least. For me, personally, it's impossible to resist the exciting new features, however I do understand that your reasons for not jailbreaking make perfect sense to you. Maybe I can help convert your way of thinking with this list.
So, now that we've covered that, please, enjoy your new found freedom.
Customizing iPhone 5's iOS
One of the main reasons people jailbreak their iPhones is so they can customize the iOS to whatever extent they choose. You can pretty-much change anything you want on the operating system once your iPhone 5 has been jailbroken.
You can personalize your iOS, add efficiency, and there are a few customizable fixes and tweaks to be gained by jailbreaking your iPhone. Are you not happy with Apple's boring app switcher? If the answer is yes, then download Auxo, which is a tool displaying live app tiles in place of only the app's logo. Try Springtomize 2: this allows you to add more apps to the dock, hide app labels, hide the name of the carrier in the status bar, and much more. Not happy with Apple's text messaging service? Then you can download biteSMS; this means you can quickly respond to an iMessage or text without having to leave the active app. And if you're one of those people who like using gestures in iOS, there's a tweak called Zephyr which permits the user to add new swiping gestures to rapidly switch between apps and open the app switcher easily.
iPhone 5 Free Tethering
What is tethering? It's not a well-known function, but tethering turns your iPhone into a wireless modem, providing internet access to other devices that are Wi-Fi-enabled, such as a computer, or other mobile devices. AT&T and Verizon charge their customers an extra $20/month for this feature, but it's actually permitted on regular devices. Most people are not happy about paying the extra $20/month when they're already paying so much for their phone and data plans through their carrier.
You can tether your phone for free once your iPhone 5 has been jailbroken. You don't need to use a carrier hotspot with apps like MyWi; you just use your own wireless network. With MyWi you can share the iPhone's data through Wi-Fi, a direct USB connection, or Bluetooth.
If you have an unlimited data plan, tethering would be very beneficial because you can use as much data on the terminal without paying extra charges.
Improved Siri on iPhone 5
As virtual assistants go, Siri is great, but unfortunately it's not perfect; there are many commands that Siri should understand, but doesn't. There are several Siri jailbreak tweaks available to increase the library of commands and to improve the virtual assistant.
Cydia: Downloading Apps Not Approved by Apple
Before being allowed in the App Store, every app has to be approved by Apple, and Apple will not permit apps that alter 'the native user interface elements or behavior of Mac OS X' - this means that so many of the fixes and tweaks available to customize the iOS experience are not available for purchase in the App Store. So, the solution is Cydia, which is the unofficial 'App Store' for devices that have been jailbroken. Users can download fixes, tweaks, and sometimes even unofficial apps which have been refused by Apple and its App Store.
You Can Change Default Apps on iPhone 5
If you're not crazy about the default iOS apps to start with, then it can be very annoying that you can't change default apps for certain tasks.
However, once your iPhone 5 has been jailbroken, you can now use third-party apps as your default apps, so in place of iOS opening a link in Safari, you can now open it in Chrome or another third-party mobile web browser. And if you prefer, you can have Siri use Google Maps for directions in place of Apple's own Maps app.
We understand that there are always going to be those who respect the iPhone 5 restrictions placed by Apple. But don't you agree that this basic list should convince Apple to re-think their entire app policy? People are really enjoying their new-found iPhone freedom and the unofficial third-part app business is thriving. Surely that should send a message to Apple? So
, now my point is made and I'll see you on the other side!
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory
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