Women drivers are at risk when driving on their own, especially at night. Women who drive alone, no matter if it's at night or in the day, need to take a few extra precautions. If you drive alone on a regular basis, it's important that you follow these tips for keeping yourself safe.
sure you have your keys in your hand before approaching your parked vehicle.
Never run out of fuel. Get into the habit of filling when the tank's half empty rather than waiting for the warning light.
In order to avoid breakdowns and bad situations, keep your vehicle well serviced. Before going on a long trip, do check your safety kit.
While you are driving make sure that all doors are locked, windows are up and that your valuables are out of sight.
Don't drive after dark into areas you don't know, if you can avoid it. It is easy to get lost, and become a target as a potential victim.
Don’t stall in the parking lot or garage. Get into your car as fast as possible. Lock all the doors and windows and leave immediately.
If you are involved in a minor accident, drive to a well lit or well traveled area. Do not get out of your car on a lonely or dark road.
You must stop for the police but it's quite reasonable to ask for identification through a closed window and keep the engine running until you are satisfied.
Never give lifts to strangers.
Always keep in touch. Let someone at home know your route, when you leave, and when you arrive at your destinations.
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